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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
Water Works

par Uday Jadugar

Voici sûrement la meilleure version de ce type d'effet : retournez une bouteille d'eau ouverte ouverture vers le bas, et l'eau ne tombe pas ! Pour prouver que rien n'obstru le goulot, vous pouvez introduire divers objets tels des crayons, perles, etc. Tout est aussitôt laissé entre les mains des spectateurs, il n'y a rien de suspect à voir !

Livré complet avec deux gimmicks de précision.

Description originale anglaise

An astonishing new method for the easiest, most powerful anti-gravity water effect...Ever.

The good news is; You never have to hide anything in your hands! Plus there are no chemicals or sticky stuff involved. Your spectator can even take a sip of water from the bottle during the performance! Your hands are 100% clean... At ALL times!

Basic Effect:

Your always-empty hands take a normal examined clear plastic bottle of water and turn it mouth down. There should be a messy flood of water...but instead, there are just a few drips...and then...nothing! The water stays impossibly suspended inside the upside-down open bottle. The cap and bottle are inspected and there is nothing to find!! No Ditching! No Palming! No Stealing!

And even cooler than then push a FULL SIZE pencil or pen up into the open bottle mouth...completely in the water!

No other version allows you to put such a huge object into the BOTTLE!

You then turn the bottle mouth end up...all is back to normal. Your spectators can completely examine EVERYTHING.

No Palming. Your fingers never ever have to load or steal anything!

WaterWorks' exciting new gimmick makes this 100% self-contained.

BONUS: A Great Free Optional Presentation: WATERBALL.

Water Ball:

A weird science "experiment" where a spectator drops a special blue ball into the open bottle of water. The ball slowly sinks down through the water. You turn the bottle mouth down...the blue ball slowly sinks down again...and finally drops out of the bottle...somehow leaving the water suspended! This cool visual is also a brilliant convincer that nothing is secretly blocking the water.

So exactly how easy is Waterworks?

The normal actions you see in the demo is all there is to do. Period. The ingenious new gimmick does all the secret stuff for you!

* No Palming. Your hands and fingers are always empty!

* Completely Self-Contained.
  • Use the same gimmick over and over.
  • Resets in seconds.
  • Perform completely surrounded.
  • Spectator can take a sip from the bottle.
  • Ingenious new gimmick allows everything to be examined.
  • A normal size pen or pencil can be pushed into the suspended water.
Uday Jadugar's WaterWorks comes complete with precision-engineered gimmick, special blue WaterBall, custom keychain carrying case and instructional DVD. We even include a normal water you can get your Waterworks working right away!


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C.C. Éditions
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