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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
The Quest for Mastery

Par Michael Vincent

Le quatrième opus de ce voyage en compagnie de Michael Vincent prend la forme d’un coffret de 4 DVD. Ce magicien distingué vous emmènera, six heures durant, sur les chemins de la clarté et de l’élégance en magie ! Comment redonner une seconde jeunesse aux classiques de la magie et les adapter aux publics d’aujourd’hui ? Telle est l’ambition de ce voyage…

Inspiré par Robert-Houdin, Dai Vernon et Darwin Ortiz, Michael Vincent vous livre sa touche personnelle dans cette « master class » dédiée à la construction de l’effet magique et à sa présentation artistique. Présentations de tours, explications, discussions avec Chris Harding, nombreux bonus…

4 DVD en anglais, plus de 6 heures de programme

Descriptif original anglais :

It's finally here. The fourth installment in our fantastic and enlightening voyage with Michael Vincent. Join Michael & Chris as they guide you along your journey in the Quest For Mastery.

The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent Volume 4

The Quest for Mastery Collectors Edition (Limited To 1000 Units)
The Collectors Edition comes in the same beautiful style case with sleeve as Michaels other vols in this series. When the Collectors Editions have all sold out the DVD's will be produced in a standard 4 disc DVD case.

On this new 4 Disc DVD set from Alakazam Magic, Michael Vincent brings his passion for Magic and his expert showmanship to a brand new conversation. This project explores how Michael thinks about taking the classics of magic and breathing new life into them.
With a set that runs for over 6 hours The Quest for Mastery is all about elimination - removing the inessentials until all that is left is an elegantly crafted mystery - this process can take years to arrive at. Inspired by the philosophy of Robert Houdin, Dr Hofzinser, Dai Vernon and Darwin Ortiz, you have an opportunity to discover 'The Vincent Touch'. This is Michael's unique perspective on classical effects and how to make them relevant for today's modern audiences. This is a master class in magical construction, design and artistic performance.

Disc 1: Performances

Live Show at Eastwell Manor
2 Hands - Three Coins
My Rope Routine - 'Humble Beginnings'

In Memory of Hofzinser
Stand-up Triumph
Stand-Up Twisting The Aces
An Ace Problem aka 'Grown Up Hofzinser'
Card at a Number
Remember and Forget

Disc Two: Performances

Prologue: The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic

The Legendary Conus Aces


Vincent on Conus - Complete Explanation with a mention of 'The One Shuffle Finale'.
The McDonald Aces with 'The Vincent Switch'

Disc Three: Performances & Explanations

Close-up Card Magic: Set One

Look an Illusion.
The Vincent Revelation with thanks to Larry Jennings - The Interlaced Vanish meets The Jennings Revelation.
The Invisible Palm - A re-examination.

Close-up Card Magic: Set Two

The Swing Beat Aces.
The Vincent Combination with thanks to Darwin Ortiz.
Cy Endfield's 'Gambler Out-Gambled'.

Disc Four: Bonus Goodies

Conversation with Chris Harding - Life after the first 3 Volumes with updates and revisions:
Kismet Updated.
Vincent's Aces Version II.
4Play with Foursome 'The Out'.
Pandora's Paradox-Additional Finesse.
The Vincent Set-up for The Zarrow Shuffle.

Bonus Performances:

My Favorite
The Devilish Miracle - Tribute to Marlo (Performance only).
The Progressive Revelation & Explanation.

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C.C. Éditions
1 av. René Monory

86360 Chasseneuil-du-Poitou
Tél. : 05 49 49 61 77 -