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Par Daniel Meadows & James Anthony

Cet effet commence par un book-test au cours duquel le magicien devine un mot pensé par un spectateur, mais se termine comme la démonstration de l'implentation subconsciente d'un mot dans l'esprit du spectateur… Très étonnant !

  • DVD explicatif (en englais) + les cartes du test des couleurs et le gimmick.
  • La version luxe inclus en plus un book-test (en anglais) permettant des effets supplémentaires.

Description originale anglaise :

Plant a seemingly random word in your spectators minds... Then reveal exactly how you did it! This is INFAMOUS!

Infamous is a book test like no other. Where other book tests end, you're only just getting started! Infamous is a routine with a kicker climax that brings things full circle.

  • detailed instructional DVD with bonus ideas
  • Specially Gimmicked deck

  • Also:
    • Easy to do
    • Instant reset
    • Repeatable for the same audience with a different word
    • Suitable for walk-around
    • Many ways suggested to enhance your existing routines
    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What is the difference between the Standard and Deluxe packages?
    Both packages contain the DVD and special cards that allow you to perform the core routine as seen in the trailer. With the Standard package you will need to supply your own book (almost any book will work), and you will need to create your own gimmick (instruction is included on the DVD to guide you through this). The Deluxe package contains a book and a gimmick. After assembly you will be ready to go in about 5 minutes. The book contained in the Deluxe package has been specially prepared to allow you to perform a number of bonus effects that will not be possible without it.

    I am terrible at arts and crafts. Will I have trouble assembling the gimmicks?
    I doubt it! It is extremely simple and uses standard items you are likely to have lying around the house.

    How examinable is the Deluxe package's book?
    The book is extremely examinable. It contains over 300 pages of text from the real book and it has been specially modified so that you could read it cover to cover and not discover the secret. It contains a well-known principle in a new way to tie in with the Infamous premise.

    Will there be an option so that purchasers of the Standard package can later upgrade to the Deluxe package?
    While there is no immediate option for this, something might be made available in the future. However, the best deal will be to buy the Deluxe package at the outset.

    Is this suitable for walk-around?
    This was developed with the walk-around performer in mind. The book contained in the Deluxe package is the ideal size to be carried in a jacket pocket. While the effect will play out the same each time, the word selected by the participant can be varied each time.

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