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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
Urban Underground

Par J.C. Sum et « Magic Babe » Ning

Dans ce double DVD, J.C. Sum (accompagné de la charmante Ning) vous présente son spectacle d’une heure, « Urban Underground ». Une magie de close-up moderne, visuelle et variée. Le duo vous explique comment il a conçu et structuré ce spectacle de close-up destiné à un public contemporain.

Bien qu’intégrées à un numéro construit, chacune des routines peut être présentée séparément. Les méthodes, techniques et réflexions exposées dans ces DVD peuvent être appliquées à la conception de n’importe quel spectacle de close-up, qu’il soit présenté assis à une table ou debout en en situation de cocktail.

2 DVD en anglais, 2h environ

Descriptif original anglais :

Performed by J C Sum, "Urban Underground", is a formal close-up magic show that weaves masterfully structured routines that showcase a diverse range of plots, effects and props into a seamless modern close-up performance.
In this two-volume DVD set, J C shares his show structure, original routining, presentations, techniques and the extensive show/ case set-up that go into making the close-up show possible. 'Magic Babe' Ning joins J C in this DVD in a unique video presentation of the material and together the duo shares their thoughts on contemporary close-up magic performance.
Students of the art who enjoy the works of magicians such as Albert Goshman, Paul Gertner, John Cornelius and Dominique Duvivier, all who have presented sit-down close-up shows, will appreciate the thinking and routining behind "Urban Underground".
While designed as a complete show, all of the individual routines can be performed as stand-alone acts and feature multiples handlings, endings and ideas. The methods, techniques and the thinking can be applied to any type of close-up magic performance from walk around to formal shows.

Disc 1

  • Intro
  • Full Performance of the "Urban Underground" show (30min)
  • Intro/ How to sell a formal close-up show in today's "street magic" market
  • Case Set-up
  • Bonus Interview on Modern Close-up Magic
Disc 2
  • Detailed Explanations of the entire "Urban Underground" show with bonus alternative endings for multiple routines
  • Credits/ References List - All ideas, presentations, techniques and methods credited to respective creators
  • Props List - List of all props used in "Urban Underground" and where to obtain them
Routines performed and explained include :
Silver Teleportation 2.0
A two-time "Coins Across" routine featuring super clean "3-Fly" and "in-the-hands" phases.

The Elusive Pea
A complete 6-phase "Three Shell Game" routine that plays big !

Inverted Aces
A triumph-style Four Ace routine with three kickers

4 × 3
An incredible 3-phase coin assembly that gets more impossible each time

International Passage
A multi-climax coin box/ coins through table routine

Dice Explosion
J C's award-winning show closer

Running Time Approximately : 120min

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C.C. Éditions
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