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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
The Open Prediction Project

Par Thomas Baxter

Livre en anglais de près de trois cents pages, consacré exclusivement aux différentes versions de l'effet "Open Prediction"…

Descriptif original anglais :

In 1949 magician Paul Curry proposed an effect with playing cards that seemed impossible. Despite the best efforts of the top minds of his day, the effect became known as The Curry Unsolved Card Problem.

For almost 60 years mentalists and magicians have wracked their brains trying to find the perfect solution for Curry's challenge, now known as The Open Prediction.

The Open Prediction Project is the largest collection of its kind in existence. It is a compilation of 51 unique and creative solutions to the Open Prediction problem. Performers such as Marc Paul, Michael Weber, Barrie Richardson, Patrick Redford, Mick Ayres and Hector Chadwick have offered their solutions for this 296 page hard-cover book; and these are just a few in a long list of creative and innovative contributors from around the globe.

In addition, The Open Prediction Project contains a detailed history of the evolution of the Open Prediction effect; commentary on the individuals who made this effect the legend that it has become; and a comprehensive appendix, listing variations of the Open Prediction that been published in the past.

Written and Edited by Thomas Baxter, author of The Nail Writer Anthology and A Card Merely Thought Of...

Pages: 296 - Hardcover

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