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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
Temporarily out of order

par Patrick Redford

Dans ce livre (en anglais), Patrick Redford nous dévoile son chapelet (jeu mémorisé) ainsi que de nombreux effets réalisables avec cet outil merveilleux !

Description originale

Temporarily Out of Order is focused on memorized deck magic and stack work. It reintroduces The Redford Stack to the world and explores its many possible transformative features. The Redford Stack may be easily arranged from either a shuffled deck or a freshly opened pack of cards. It also transforms into a Parallel Stack, Stay Stack/Mirror stack, Si-Stebbins Stack, an alternating red-black stack, and more. Amazingly, the exact same sequence that sets into Si Stebbins returns the deck to the Redford Stack! The stack appears random and yet is packed full of features.

There are poker deals, blackjack deals, spelling effects, coincidence effects, faro effects, and much more. You'll learn a few of Patrick's favorite false shuffles, false cuts, and two sneaky deck switches! You'll also learn a handful of tricks that can be done while secretly setting up a borrowed deck into a stack! Many of the effects presented won't require the user to memorize the Redford order. This will allow it to be put to use immediately. In addition, there are many effects presented that aren't dependent on a specific memorized stack order, and may be performed with any memorized arrangement!

"Patrick has pushed stack work to a different level. I love what he's done with the pseudo-memorized and the memorized deck."
- Bob Cassidy

"Patrick fooled the crap out of me."
- Tom Gagnon

"I love the idea of a stack that you go in and out of. Bloody Genius! Only Patrick could create such a thing in such a practical way!"
- Ken Dyne

"Patrick has devised another beautifully constructed and truly deceptive set of routines surrounded by a wealth of knowledge. The title effect, 'Temporarily Out of Order,' is a reputation-making marathon of impossible moments. His work on the methods within this book are worth studying."
- Ben Seidman

"Loved it. The title effect, Temporarily Out of Order, is one of the best card tricks I have ever seen."
- Jon Armstrong

"Temporarily Out of Order is filled with gold."
- Mike Powers

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C.C. Éditions
1 av. René Monory

86360 Chasseneuil-du-Poitou
Tél. : 05 49 49 61 77 -