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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
Jeu Madison Dealers (jeu marqué)

par Ellusionist

Magnifique jeu de cartes, sans bordure blanche, aux dos du même vert que celui utilisé dans la couverture du célèbre livre d'Erdnase…

De plus, ce jeu est marqué, ce qui vous permet de connaître la valeur d'une carte simplement en en voyant le dos… Le marquage n'est pas direct (petits points), il faut donc une bonne vue et un peu d'habitude, mais il a l'avantage de résister au test de l'effeuillage…

Description originale

Dealers Playing Cards contain a Daniel Madison marking system. With each deck, you will receive a downloadable movie teaching the system. Marked decks can cost between $20-$30, but Daniel wishes to offer his system at the price of a normal deck of cards as you can see above. 

Dealers in Erdnase Green use the exact pantone color of the book Expert at the Card Table by S. W. Erdnase. As used in 1902, these playing cards utilize an edge-to-edge borderless casino "gambling house" design. If you are worried about double lifts etc, perhaps it's time to stop relying on white borders to hide inefficiencies. These cards will help you to get good at what you do. Madison has used the edge-to-edge design for that single purpose since he was a teenager taking people's money in real games.
We cannot emphasize enough. The cards are printed to Daniel's specifications and are the essence of a standard held long ago. They almost fan themselves. Seconds are smoother than anything you may have been advantaged to feel before.
If you believe these fine playing cards fit your personal style, pick up a deck or twelve and put them through the wringer: bottoms, centers, shifts, palms, changes and switches.

See how these trusted sleights feel in your hands!

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C.C. Éditions
1 av. René Monory

86360 Chasseneuil-du-Poitou
Tél. : 05 49 49 61 77 -