Par Robert Neale
Livret (en anglais) de 22 pages + DVD.
Vous empruntez un billet de banque que vous pliez et déchirez de façon
à en faire un objet impossible. Il est sûr que votre spectateur
gardera longtemps avec lui cet objet de curiosité !
A dollar bill has been braided. Close examination reveals that it has two lengthwise
slits that extend nearly to the ends of the bill, dividing it into three bands.
The braiding is real although the bands have never been separate. It looks impossible.
The bill can be borrowed, transformed into this impossible object, and returned
to the owner in less than two minutes. The result is a distinctive memento.
It is, as Michael Weber says, "A bill that cannot be spent ."
Comes with a companion 20-min DVD demonstrating the step-by-step procedure of
how to create the braided bill.