Par Paul Curry
Livre en anglais.
Ce grand classique de la littérature magique anglaise était
indisponilbe depuis longtemps et était très recherché.
Il est maintenant de nouveau disponible !
Do you remember the first time you saw Paul Curry's "Out of This World" performed?
Do you remember how badly it fooled you? Know now that you can own a book full
of such magic by the only man who could imagine it.
In Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond you will find the original version of "Out
of This World", which some still consider the best of the many variations that
have been devised. You will also find all the other Curry classics, "Touch",
"The Sliding Knot", "Open Prediction", "The Color-changing Deck", "Never in
a Lifetime", "The Power of Thought", "Probability Zero" and "IOU".
But these are just the beginning. Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond contains
original Curry card sleights, including his turnover change, and almost seventy
tricks and routines that would have brought back that feeling of complete amazement
"Out of This World" aroused in you—had you seen them performed before you read
their secrets. Now you can arouse the same sense of astonishment in others,
when you perform the other-worldly magic of Paul Curry.
Pages 400 - Hardbound with Dust jacket