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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :

par Thomas Moore

Ce livre (en anglais) est une véritable mine d'or pour ceux qui font (ou veulent faire) de la grande illusion.

Plus de 3kg, 198 pages format A3 dans un portefolio en cuir, cet ouvrage vous propose toute une partie théorique sur la présentation des grandes illusions (le personnage, la musique, les illusions d'optique, etc.) ainsi que des plans détaillés et cotés de plusieurs grandes illusions.

Le prix élévé de ce document professionnel est parfaitement justifié, et sera largement rentabilisé par ceux qui s'en serviront.

Descriptif original anglais :
A lifetime's research and experienced gained from working on literally hundreds of different productions condensed and distilled in to one (oversized) book that is essential reading for any serious stage illusionist. Weighing 3kg, comprising 198 full colour A3 pages holding over 19,000 words accompanied by hundred of drawings, diagrams, pictures and photographs all bound within a unique leather portfolio this is like no magic book you've ever seen before.

Released in a strictly limited print of JUST 200 hand-finished copies this highly desirable publication has been developed for the serious working stage magician or illusionist who wants to improve their act and upgrade their thinking. The first half deals with pure performance theory; from developing your character to understanding how (and why) the optical illusions used in prop design work, how changing your music can heighten the magic of your performance to how you can harness creative minds to boost your show and earn more money. Bringing together the best thinking on psychology, physiology and design theory there has never been a more comprehensive study published in to the theory of illusion magic and how spectators can be deceived & manipulated in the name of entertainment. A fascinating peek in to the minds of your audience that helps you understand how they perceive your performance and how better to refine and develop your material to raise it to a whole new level.

The second half is pure illusion practice - complete workshop-ready plans for 5 grand illusions and one invaluable accessory that every illusionist needs. These aren't your usual "illusions" these were NOT pie-in-the-sky crazy half-baked ideas that were dreamed up just to fill pages in a book; but tried, tested and developed illusion concepts (worth over $40,000) that have been refined and used in real shows and performances across the planet. When we say "plans" we don't mean your usual "magic plans" that are rarely more than a page or two of rough scribbles with all the important information missing, instead you get huge A3 pages of fully annotated workshop plans detailing every dimension and construction detail you could possibly need across the 20-30 pages set aside for each illusion. With construction tips and notes from people who have previously built these items you are getting many years of research and experience presented in an easy to read format.

This is not a passive publication however - every registered owner will also have exclusive access to the members-only section of this website where we will offer support, advice & updates for the illusion designs, as well as updates and further examples for the theory and science ideas in the book. You are not just buying a time-capsule book but rather an evolving, exciting, glimpse in to the world of illusion theory that will help you remain at the very forefront of illusion thinking and technology.

"You write so well - its a VERY nice book"
- John Taylor

"Congratulations Tom on Confictura, I was thrilled to see what you've come up with. It's a valuable and insightful work obviously underpinned by your contemporary, innovative and exciting illusion designs, but more importantly focusing on the rarely discussed elements of stagecraft such as material selection and music choice. I feel sure it will become a must read work for all interested in illusion magic"
- Chris Murphy

"...and it looks great, very interesting articles and I like the ideas of the illusions, I will read it carefully!"
- Daniel Ka

"Thank you so much for the amazing book... WOW!!! It looks amazing!!!"
- Luis deMatos

About the Author
Thomas Moore has been designing, creating and staging magic for more than 20 years, crafting routines, props and performances for everyone from Paul Daniels to Jan Rouven, Erix Logan to John Taylor, Huge Pop Music acts to TV specials, Circus to Cruise ships culminating in 2012 when Thomas was commissioned to create a Pavilion for the London 2012 Olympic games. For more information about Thomas's career visit


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