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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
The Sense of Wonder

par Robert Neale

Dans ce livre (en anglais), l'auteur décrit une trentaine de tours originaux, et explique en plusieurs essais théoriques la capacité d'émerveillement chez l'être humain, ainsi que la façon de l'exploiter en illusionnisme…

Description originale anglaise :

The Sense of Wonder is the second installment in Robert E. Neale's eagerly anticipated Trilogy of Magic. In these pages, Bob Neale sets out to expand our understanding of the human capacity to wonder beyond common notions of it. As he uncovers the widely different styles and subjects of wonder, he also shows how magicians can apply these insights to create more and better wonders for their audiences.

The Sense of Wonder also includes thirty-one of Bob Neale's latest, highly innovative magic routines, all but one of which are previously unpublished. Each of these routines come with a fully developed script and is performed with simple props that are easily purchased or constructed, such as playing cards, paper and cardboard, bills and coins - even a toy ball!

Praise for The Magic of Celebrating Illusion (Trilogy of Magic, Book 1)

Michael Weber
Robert Neale has done something important for the art of magic: he has given us a book full of ways and means by which we can see past our self-imposed illusions in order to more clearly see the real magic which exists in the world... Long live Robert Neale.

Genii Magazine
As a book of [magic] theory and philosophy it cannot be recommended enough, and if it had included no tricks I would certainly have felt I had my money's worth.

MAGIC Magazine
Robert Neale is a unique thinker, and this book is essential reading for [any magician] who enjoys a challenge, rather than being spoon-fed the latest one trick DVD.

Eugene Burger
This first book in Bob Neale's Trilogy of Magic is an adventure! The magic is strong, his scripts and presentations are wonderful, and the philosophy of illusion in these pages is both exciting and challenging. A strong start for what promises to be a major contribution to magic.

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C.C. Éditions
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86360 Chasseneuil-du-Poitou
Tél. : 05 49 49 61 77 -