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À partir de ce mois de janvier 2018, notre site internet n'est plus mis à jour... Mais nous ne disparaissons pas, bien au contraire ! Retrouvez toutes nos productions, et bien plus encore, sur un tout nouveau site :
A Book in English

Par Woody Aragon

Woody Aragon est à la fois un talentueux cartomane espagnol et un artiste qui sait divertir son public. Auteur, conférencier, professeur et artiste, Woody partage dans cet ouvrage, fruit de deux années de travail, ses incroyables idées sur la magie. Un livre de cartomagie qui vous inspirera et dont les effets vous mystifieront vous-même au fil de votre apprentissage ! En effet, Woody est un spécialiste des effets reposant sur des principes mathématiques. Mais n’ayez crainte : 1) ces principes sont totalement dissimulés et ne transparaissent aucunement. 2) les amoureux de la technique n’ont pas été oubliés, car Woody partage également son travail en la matière.

Livre en anglais, 376 pages.

Descriptif original anglais :

Woody Aragón is an outstanding card magician, technical expert, and entertaining performer from Toledo, Spain. As a writer, lecturer, teacher, and performer, Woody has incredible insight and theories about magic that he shares in this book.
The card magic in this book will inspire, delight, and fool you as you learn and use it. You are in for a treat. Enjoy.
In these pages, you will find wonderful card magic, wonderful thinking, and effects that fool you as you perform them. Over the last few years, Woody has traveled internationally sharing his card magic and theories, performing, competing, and lecturing. Many magicians have asked "When will Woody write a book in English ?". After two years of hard work, it's here and you are in for treat.
Much of the material in "A Book In English" is in print for the first time. Some of it comes from previous publications in Spanish but revised, rewritten and translated. Much of the material in this book is mathematical in nature. But fear not, it does not appear to be mathematical. Woody "gets it". Try it out and you will see that difficult sleights and moves are replaced with really smart thinking. This makes the card magic look and feel like real magic. For those who love sleights and moves do not worry. Woody is superb at sleight of hand and shares his work with that as well.

Pages: 376 – Hardcover – 6.5" × 9.5" – Black and white photos

"Woody has always amazed me and I admire the constant flow of ideas that, if you look carefully from above, you can see moving under his scalp. Ideas for incredibly practical sleights (his "Separagon"), ideas for effects, methods (the genius of his "Human Scale", a version worthy of a standing ovation, which I have seen many audiences give Woody as they are amazed and full of wonder after seeing him perform it) and ideas for the structures of acts and shows."
Juan Tamariz

"Woody Aragón has officially raised the bar. Anyone worth their salt as a magician needs to have this book in their library."
Eric Jones

"Woody Aragón's spelling routine is not just entertaining and creative, it's also commercial. This is the effect everyone dreams to create… I can't believe he's teaching the effect he used to win so many awards !"
Shawn Farquhar

"Woody Aragón is a full-time professional magician in Spain. I like the way he thinks and I predict that you will be seeing his name much more in the near future. In fact, if you'll turn the page, I guarantee it."
Steve Beam

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