4e Illusion Design

Par Milbourne Christopher

Livre (en anglais) présentant des plans de grandes illusions originales.

Descriptif original anglais :

4E Illusion Book. Written & Illustrated by Mark Parker with Contributions by David Mendoza & Tony Clark. This is the first time since the Paul Osborne books that David Mendoza has contributed his thoughts and ideas.

The book features seven original illusions fully explained - (one is already licensed to David Mendoza-Magicraft), you also get illusion sketches, two unique illusions for TV & Film, thoughts on illusion and more. There is a contribution by David Mendoza and an excellent essay to improve your act by Tony Clark.

The book is 122 pages with detailed routines & beautiful illustrations in full-color throughout the book. A first for Illusion Books. The price also includes full performance rights. This is an absolute must for any Modern Illusionist.

"I just got the book and reading through it - wonderful! It's an awesome book with real working ideas in glorious full-color. I just can't put it down!"
- Steve Zigmont-Zigmont Magic FX

Ce produit a été ajouté à notre catalogue le jeudi 24 février, 2011.