At The Table - Vol 03 (4 DVD)
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Coffret de 4 DVD (en anglais) reprenant quatre conférences filmées en situation publique.
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(Indépendamment de ce coffret, chacune des conférences est disponible sur un DVD indépendant.)
Descriptif original anglais
AT THE TABLE presents the lecture line-up for the month of August. Bringing to you 4 world class performers on 4 amazing DVDs. From some of the best looking sleight of hand magic to FISM winning champions, there is something here for everybody. AT THE TABLE proudly presents to you Karl Hein, Kostya Kimlat, Shin Lim and finally, Greg Wilson.
Karl Hein
possess uncanny ability with a deck of cards. He is truly a seasoned performer who has entertained audiences from all over the world with his charming persona and super cool hat. Karl goes into great detail explaining the Heinstein Shuffle. You also learn full routines, advice, and tips. If you are looking to add tried and tested material to your act, or just want some advice on how to polish your current act, then don't miss out on Karl Hein.
Kostya Kimlat
brings a never before seen lecture to the At The Table Live Lecture Series. He performs and explains 3 great effects but spends the majority of his time talking about the REAL secret to magic: YOU! Learn how to get your audience to perceive you in a different manner. How to approach a table of guests and WHAT material to perform. He also spends time on the inner workings of corporate magic. If you want to become a pro and don't know where to start or If you ARE a pro and have a hard time setting prices or booking gigs, then this lecture is for you.
Shin Lim
joins us At The Table and brings with him the 2 FISM acts that are both magical and memorable. While Shin doesn't completely explain these acts, he covers some of the effects he uses. He also teaches you how to construct gimmicks, how to split cards, and how to use black art. Shin also performs some of the knuckle-busting sleight of hand magic that he is known for all over the world. This includes some fancy ace productions, a Twisting the Aces type routine and the Snap Change. Shin Lim is a very unique creator and you will thoroughly enjoy his lecture.
Greg Wilson
finishes out the month with a literal BANG. He produces a bottle of champagne out of a folded paper bag, but don't let the party atmosphere fool you, Greg Wilson knows what he is talking about! He reaches deep into the depths of his personal magic journal and brings you material that he has kept to himself for almost 20 years. Greg also does a full 45 minutes on pick-pocketing and watch stealing. He covers a few of his marketed effects, some great marketing ideas to help you get your show rolling, and much more.
Karl Hein:
That Would Be A Freaking Miracle
A Talk about Palming
Hat Trick & Kicker Endings
Transformer Triumph
Heinstein Shuffle
False Overhand Shuffle Combo
Transformer Cut
Zarrow Shuffle & the Cover Pass
Heiny 500 (Performance Only)
Karl's Fave Impromptu Card Trick
Give Me 5
A talk about the Cull
Out Of Your Mind
Grandmother's BLT
Kostya Kimlat:
Many Rooms in the House of Magic
Advice & His Goal
Control their Perception
The Approach
Orlando Magic & See Magic Live
Magic on Live TV
Restaurants for Beginners
Checklist & What to Charge
Corporate Restaurant Checklist
Stage Magic & What to Charge
Performance: Warning
Performance: Frixion
Performance: Who Killed The King
Shin Lim:
Performance: 52 Shades of Red
The Flap Card
Splitting a Playing Card
Shin Talks about Black Art
Using Magnets
Card & Coin Move for Matrix
4 Aces
The Snap Change
Performance: The Dream Act
The Mercury Card Fold
Gregory Wilson:
Party Bag
Pitch & Ditch
A Lesson on Pickpocketing
Ring Side
The Watch Steal
Exact Change
Questionable Trick
Stick Shift
Bic Lighter Color Change
Performance: Revolution
Card Peek
Card in Box
Stunt Double
Las Vegas Split
Performance: Head Trip
Ce produit a été ajouté à notre catalogue le vendredi 14 novembre, 2014.