The Restaurant Magic of Dan Fleshman (3 DVD)
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Par Dan Fleshman
Dan Fleshman est un magicien de close-up ayant une longue expérience de la magie en restaurant. Les routines qu’il présente dans ces DVD font toutes partie de son répertoire professionnel et les utilise avec bonheur soir après soir pour dévaster son public. Tous ces effets ont résisté à l’épreuve du feu et ne manqueront pas de souffler les publics les plus blasés.
Descriptif original anglais :
Dan Fleshman has been a professional close-up entertainer for 20 years and performing magic in restaurants has always been at the core of his work. The magic presented here is all in Dan's active, working repertoire and all of it has been tempered in the white-hot fire of real-world performance. This is close-up magic that Dan kills lay audiences with night after night - and now it's yours !
On these DVDs, Dan presents his showcase routines. For special tables, Dan reaches into his vast repertoire and performs one of these gems. All of them are closers and are capable of astounding even the most jaded audience.
Volume 1 – Appetizers
Dan's Rope Routine
Real-World Multiplying Rabbits
Ring and String Flight
Ace Production
Ever Changing Aces
Bullet For a Cowboy
Four The Easy Way
Maxi Twist Twist
Three Card Trick
Momma in My Wallet
Running Time Approximately 87min
Volume 2 – Entrees
Ace Production
Oil Slick
Chameleon Aces and Kings
Vanishing Aces
PDQ Aces
Some Prediction
Magic Cards
Sorry You Lose
Flushed Out
Back and Forth Sandwich
Freeman Twist / Twilight Zone
Jumbo Prediction
Volume 3 – Desserts
Close-Up Linking Rings
Rolllover Production
Coins To Glass
Crayon Thru .25
Cups and Balls
BONUS ! The Chinese Linking Rings – A Close-Up Version
Ce produit a été ajouté à notre catalogue le mercredi 30 janvier, 2013.